Hi Everyone! I hope you are all well this Sunday morning and ready for whatever the coming week brings. For my next blog I thought I would talk more on a personal level; Coeliac and me, this is about my journey adapting to this new way of life. For anyone who also has Coeliac disease, Gluten intolerance or may be suspicious that they have it, keep reading :) More than an 'Allergy' This really bugs me, a lot of people assume that Coeliac Disease, is nothing more than an allergy to gluten, I can assure you my friends, it is much much MUCH more than that. Coeliac Disease is in fact an autoimmune condition, this is the part of your body that protects and fights infection. The 'fun' part is where your body mistakenly attacks healthy tissues in your body; your body thinks gluten (ingredients found in it) is a threat to your body and essentially the alert systems go into overdrive. Coeliac Disease comes with a lot of symptoms that a lot of people just brus...